Sunday, November 2, 2014

Peer Pressure: Everybody's Doing It

Disclaimer: A serious issue is discussed, please be respectful to others.

Note: There is both negative and positive peer pressure present in society. For obvious reasons (the consequences) I will be discussing negative peer pressure.

Peer pressure is an issue that is present in everyone's life at some point. To start off I will state that I personally feel, being in high school, peer pressure is at an all-time high. I do not want my readers to do something that will haunt them for the years to come. Today, I challenge you to take charge of who you are and rise against peer pressure.

I want to share my inspiration for this post. My friend, an innocent girl, was pressured to do something that she normally would not have done. I felt the need to help her, but also to use her as an example to those who may currently be affected by peer pressure. No, I am not here to point out her flaws and call out her mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes and there is nothing we can do after the deed is done; we can only hope to avoid these situations.

First, allow me to define peer pressure.

Peer pressure- Social pressure by members of ones peer group to take a certain action, adopt certain values, or otherwise conform in order to be accepted.

The word that stood out to me was "accepted". The need to feel accepted is a common theme in peer pressure-related incidents. I have noticed this while interacting with my own peers. Some things do not add up, and I feel peer pressure is to blame. Innocent people taking reprehensible actions. Why? Why must we feel the need to conform to the values of others? Acceptance. I acknowledge that opposing the opinions of your peers can be difficult, but it can be done. By standing up for what you believe in you may be setting an example to someone who is feeling the same way. It is important to be who you truly are and to do what you feel is right for you.

I have written my suggestion on how to combat against peer pressure. Understand my solution is not the best, as I am basing this entire post on my personal experiences. My only go-to rule is to ask myself a series of questions. What do I stand for? What are the consequences? How can it affect me and my future? What will my parent/guardian say if I go through with this? These can seem silly at the moment, but could be the difference between a good and bad decision.

You can definitely learn a lot from peer pressure. Perhaps that "friend" pressuring you into drugs was not a friend to begin with. In my life I have cut out several people due to their ignorance and inability to respect my values. These dangerous friendships had no place in my life with goals of success in mind. However, I still have many friends that both affect me and are affected by peer pressure. I feel it is my duty to attempt to help them regain control of their life. I do not want to sound preachy, but just know everyone fits in where they belong. It is good to be surrounded by those who share the same interests and values as you. Great friendships will encounter problems along the way, but never should they be about pressuring you into something you're uncomfortable with.

For those of you affected by peer pressure I want you to know

  • You are loved
  • You are unique
  • You are beautiful/handsome
  • You are worth it
  • You are not alone

For those of you who have succumbed to peer pressure and are facing the consequences and are going through a rough time also know

  • You are loved
  • You are unique
  • You are beautiful/handsome
  • You are worth it
  • You are not alone

I know what it feels like to be alone. I have been in some situations that you may be dealing with. Some I am proud to say I strayed away from, while others served as a lesson when I acted in the incorrect way. I am concluding with a list of hotlines that specialize in certain situations you and your friends may be going through. Here you can find help. Unfortunately some of these hotlines are limited to certain locations. With little effort you can find a hotline that can drastically change you and your friends' lives for the better.