Monday, December 15, 2014

Rough Day...

Ah, December 15th. The first day of a new week. However, this wasn't your ordinary week. This was the last week before we left for winter break. While others frantically completed their homework to hold their grade over the holidays, I decided to take the week optimistically. The results, in the end, did not benefit me.

The first task on my list was to wake up at my usual time (4:15am) to allow X amount of minutes per task in my daily routine. At my usual pace, I am able to leave my home in the Ranch Bernardo area by 6:45am and enjoy a relaxing 15-20 minute car ride to school. The problem, however, was that I awoke at 6:00am. I was left 45 minutes to do everything before leaving in order to arrive on time. I guess the world decided to test how I react under pressure.

Fast forward to school. I survived my first three periods in the subjects math, honors Spanish, and english; which is a rare occasion, because I am often worn out after first period. What's next, you ask? Oh no, AP World History. Just the thought makes me flinch. The only thing that keeps me from falling asleep is the amount of friends I have in that class. Anyway, maybe 25 minutes in we're taking notes. An easy day, really. One thing you must know about that class, everyone talks. There isn't a day that the class could resemble anything of a library, in there it's a zoo. Back on topic. While we're taking notes my friend mumbles something (appropriate and) funny. I laugh. Then, with supersonic hearing my teacher pinpoints the source of laughter out of everyone talking and looks me dead in the eye. "Get out". I assume he's joking, because he often is a clown. I laugh, but that soon turns into a nervousness. His face is stern, not a smirk or anything resembling that nature. I don't understand anything that just happened, but I get out. I wasn't even remotely mad, just really confused. What's that term my 8th grade history teacher taught me? Salutary neglect. I wasn't doing anything wrong. After class goes on I retrieve my things inside and leave. I missed out on 11 slides of notes that are necessary for the homework. Maybe my laugh offended him? I'm sorry? These thoughts run through my head the whole lunch period.

After lunch I have weights class. Instead of the ordinary PE I have access to equipment similar to the ones in my gym. This is my outlet to remove the stress of the homework load and get my daily exercise. Anyway after a great workout I returned to the locker rooms to retrieve my bags. Unfortunately my locker somehow became stuck. With the time counting down to where we have to go to our next period, I rushed to my coach's office to seek assistance. He spent the time chastising me for getting it stuck. After he hit my locker a couple times with a mallet. "Welp, that's all I can do". He doesn't realize that I kinda need some stuff in order to work the next period. Thanks, coach. By the time coach left the bell rang already. I somehow channeled my inner Hulk and opened the locker.

Today was rough, but now I realized a few things...
-Although I didn't have time to do everything I needed, I still arrived to school on time
-Although my stuff was stuck I was able to get it back
-Although I was late to class my teacher was understanding of the situation
and as for the incident in history...just brush it off and move on.

I repeat, today was a rough day. However, in the end we have to stay optimistic. There are certain things in life we can't control, but we have to make the most of it. I spent the whole post complaining of events throughout the day, but in the end everything turned out okay and I learned a lesson.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

My Audition (12.01.14)

Yesterday, (12/01/14) I had the pleasure of auditioning. Despite my sickness over Thanksgiving break, which left me incapable of doing anything fun, this audition made up for it. It was a great start to the last month of 2014, December! There were some obstacles I had to overcome, but in the end it was all worth it.

November 30, 2014 11:32 AM
I had just received the email. They want me. An audition on December 1st for a well known YouTube channel with over 10 million people subscribed and 2 billion views across their videos. This was a big opportunity to get my name out. After completely celebrating like a nerd my first obstacle had appeared, asking my mother if I could go. Had it still been on break I wouldn't have freaked out, but this was placed "perfectly" on the day I go back to school. After using my horrible charm I somehow managed to convince her it was the only fun thing I would do, due to my sickness throughout Thanksgiving break. After the conversation I eagerly ran to my room and responded that I would be available the next day at 4:30.

That same day... 4:13 PM
"Why hasn't she responded back with the address and your sides (script)?" my mother asks repeatedly up until this hour. The thing about my mother is that she doesn't understand "the biz". She doesn't understand that the people have to email over 50 kids to schedule their audition. Ding! Ding! My email notification alerts me. The lady helping me set up confirms she received my email and that she would "soon" send me all the details my mother was jabbering about. The newest obstacle would be playing the waiting game.

December 1, 2014 (the day of the audition) 12:00 PM
At this hour my friends would see me completely freaking out. Prior, I refreshed my email in every class, every passing period, and every minute of that lunch hour. I was scheduled to be taken out of school at 1:00 PM that day. My mom texted me, and let me know I would have to cancel if I did not receive the email by 12:50 PM. I was tempted to email the lady, but often that is seen as unprofessional. Still waiting.

That same day... 12:12 PM
I just sent an email, letting casting know that I extremely needed the call sheet. Although only two sentences the email itself would take twelve minutes to write. I had to write eloquently to seem as professional as possible. I texted several friends, my parents, and my 7th grade english teacher to proofread said email.

The next minute
Casting magically responds with all details included. Now I am back doing my happy dance. However, I forgot something, I have to memorize my script by 4:30. "Thank goodness I have 5th period weights" I thought. Starting at that minute I frantically attempted to memorize my lines.

One hour into the drive
My dad drove me, as he was off work that day. Traffic, traffic everywhere. The roads were backed up, the fastest we went topping off at 27mph. Technology is great, do you agree? On my iPhone you can see the estimated time arrival. The thing that wasn't great is my arrival would be five minutes before my audition. Being late is the number one sin of acting. Being late would earn you a bad reputation in the acting world.

4:50 PM
I finished my audition, just arriving on time. I personally felt great about my audition. Everyone there being very helpful. Another successful/stressful day. Another day in the life of me.