Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Problem with This Generation: A Rant

Remember going to your best friend's house and enjoying your social time? Remember when taking a picture of your food wasn't a social norm? Remember when we were social? All that nostalgia is gone, my friend. With the evolution of the iThis and the iThat kids and teens nowadays have an easier access to the internet than ever before. That could be a blessing or a curse. Instead of using it to be more productive, we have turned antisocial from social media. Sounds crazy, right? Well, I hate to break it to you, but it's true. Hey, what do I care? I must be a 70 year old man ranting about those whippersnappers. Unfortunately, I am a part of said generation. I am disgusted by how far, yet low we have come due to social media.

I want to start out by saying not all social media is bad. Social media can be good for checking up with friends, family, or meeting someone online. I may not be entirely justified to rant. There are some circumstances in which I can accept one needing social media as much as air or water. For example, maybe one doesn't have much friends where they are, but online they're a sensation. They feel accepted in their online community, which is great. However, the majority of users spend countless hours scrolling through a timeline, expecting joy from likes, follows, among other things.

A perfect example occurred just recently. The social platform Instagram recently had an update in which fake bot accounts were deleted from a users following list. In retaliation some users went to the extreme by deleting their accounts from the multimillion dollar app. After asking some of my peers it is apparent that included in this list were teenagers. After researching most often bot accounts are available in which one is capable of purchasing followers. The facts made me wonder: Is my generation so consumed by the idea of followers, likes, and other things that they would fake it in order to boost their self esteem?

The whole idea is very absurd. Let me set those who are confused straight: followers/likes do not determine what you're worth. What you're worth depends on what you think about yourself, not by the approval of others. Popularity is another idea that one should not base their worth upon. For example, you could but all the rage during high school, but afterward many of those people disappear from your life to pursue their journey, meaning nothing to you. Antisocial media has spiraled out of control consuming our lives.

To be continued in a later post...

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